jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Dictatorship period.

Especially this year, I feel so different about these days because last semester I investigate about the sexual abuse with women on dictatorship period. Although I have a general information and common sense, read the testimonies really changed my opinion, because be so close to the real feelings and experiences makes you think  ¿What or Who I would be if something like that happened to me?
With this investigation I was able to analyze how the State deals with it. Is true, there are some programs and institutions, but the situation is too complicated. I believe there are a big absence of a common place to share this like a community, because the victims don’t feel the confidence and the comfort to deal with it. There is not a complete recognition between different crimes, for example, the sexual abuse it considered like another violation of humans rights and that means give the same sentence.
Like a young girl who doesn’t live on that period, I feel distress and impotence for the level of inhumanity, for the selfishness and the incompatibility for different perspectives.
I think there are a lot of things to do like society and the most important is the education. I believe that is the way to avoid the repetition.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015


I´d like to visit Bali Island, on Indonesia. One day, I was watching TV when 13C channel was broadcasting a very interesting program about different experiences to Chilean people in others countries. In this case, the place was Bali, a beautiful and awesome island where a Chilean family lives because one of their children’s had an orthopaedic sickness. The special thing with this place was the way to deal whit the kids. They have been seen like little divines persons and that means give them a very special treatment. In Bali, the health was free and the way to cure the sickness is very integral. For example, for this girl, the therapy was individually but also familiar, because there was an education to the circle of the patient. If someday I have the opportunity to go there, I would work on the health area, helping the people like the girl on the program. Plus, the culture there is very different, there are many colours on the clothes, to many green areas and even, there are water streets. The meditation is a very important way to live and honestly, I really think that will help me to deal better with all situations in my life.