lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

The last post!

Oh, I`m very sad writing my last post. This year, my english class has been very intertesting and funny. First of all , because I had the curse with one of my best friend, Jonathan. He is very clever and pleasent and also, he motivated me to went to learn on the class.
Another motivation was my teacher, Beatriz. She is a very good educator, she is very patient and concerned for each student. She shows a very good aptitude to help to everybody and explains in a good way.
I believe that specifically this semester I spoke very much and I was able to thinking in english, trying to pur into words my thoughts.
Well, like every good thing, there is a bad part too and in this case, it was record videos. It`s very shameful see how I speak in english. But it`s important to say that thanks to that, now I feel more confortable and secure.   
Now, about english class in general, I believe that there are so weird, because we don`t learn about techniclas words or ways to expresed concepts relationated with each career. I think that maybe that would be more useful if we could read papers or texts on english to learn more.
Finally, I need tos ay that the timetable of this class was very good beacuse in the middle,  we could go to lunch and had a very long free time for distraction. On this way, we spend more fast the time.

I need to expresed thanks for everything to the teacher, to be more human than a lot of donteachers that just go to make the class and don`t care to showing their opinion or teaching more that specific contents. Beatrzi really show me a different way to learn english, thanks.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

The holocaust

I choose the news about the holocaust because I consider it a very important topic. The way to lead this catastrophic situation is with reflection and knowledge. Maybe the pshycology is not a science by itself, but perhaps the way to think about holocaust and the way to try to understand it can help us to not permit incorrect decisions again. At least, I love films and if they are associated with my career, so much better.
Well, now I´m going to do a little summary about the book of Viktor Frankl that is going to be transform in a film. The book is “Man´s Search of Meaning” and the most important topic is found a meaning in the world to survive. On the period of Nazi´s attemped extermination of the Jews, Frankl lost his family. The theory that he made is known as “logothepary”. To do that, when he was a prisoner, advised to the other prisoners that not the power or pleasure is what keeps us alive, but the striving is.
He related how the psychological reactions of the prisoner changed if they survive and was liberated.  He showed the difference of guards. A decent man is someone who is kindness and an indecent man is who exploited of the prisoners.

The screenwriter that is going to adapt the book on a film is Adam Gibgot, who is also working whit "The accidental genius”. He said about Frankl : “he save a lot of lives” and the movie it’s about the best of the humanity in the worst time.