jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts

I always think about the way to live my life. The biggest dude is why we need some career or trade to “be someone”. Maybe is not enough to be a human been with feelings, pleasures, ideals and thoughts. No, maybe not. Unfortunately we need to have some clarity about one thing or activity to do for the rest of our lives. That is not the only problem; you must to choose that at eighteen years old, when you recently finished the school who gave you a basis of different understandings. You don’t have time to apply and decide. Do you understand how stupid that sounds? Choose just one activity or area to do something all the time.
I am in favor to learn about everything that you like, to have enough time to discover new things, to investigate about wired and stranger things that interest you, to develop different areas and the most important thing: have spare time.
Sometimes I think about since when everything is about money and a success life and the answer apparently is the capitalism, but I believe that also before that, people had not time to do whatever they want.

Well, obviously I know that we need to do something to have food and basics necessities, but I am convince that the way and the time to get that, is not the most healthy and smart.   

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