jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

The education

I decided to writing this post with a special soundtrack, the misseducation of Lauryn Hill. This album is so important to me because since I discovered it, a lot of my thougths and ideas  became real. When I was a child I always thinking about the importance of love in the life of everyone and honestly, I didn´t see some kind of education program or something like that who used love like the focus. Well, except for my participation on the church, where I heard a lot of the importance of love everywhere with everybody, at least, like a speech.
While I was growing up, I could to understand that in my country, the education doesn´t have an spiritual or transcendental area to learn. That is the reason because a lot of children have to many problem with the education. They don’t enjoy that because there are not a sense to do something, It´s just an order and this is independent of another’s persons, making this more and more individualized and selfish.
Recently, a lot of people is trying to change the things, making an  invitation to have a good education with contents and situations that really means something important to everybody, trying to do things that helps to the community.

Finally, that is the message delivered for Lauryn, love is the answer to do everything for someone who does the same, making too many cooperation relationships. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I like Lauryn. This is a good song and good message!
    I agree with you, when things have meaning for a person, motivation changes completely.

  2. The real education is inspiring, but our actual education is disusting.
