jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My english class

When I did this test I felt so stupid. I remember my school time and I was really clever for English class, now, I feel that forgot everything. 
Well, the most complicated part is listening, because it´s too fast and I can´t understand every word. It´s weird because when I see some series or movies on English, I understand.
Whatever, I love English and I want to learn more and more. Especially for my new teacher, Beatriz, She is so good to explain. 

6 comentarios:

  1. Anyone is stupid Valentina, you to study, this is the key. Cheers !!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I think that Listening part is a stressful part, because the sentences loose easy. I will try to relax me for can recognize the familiar words and can complete the ideas. See movies and series is a good exercise always.

  4. You are not stupid, maybe you just forgot because you stop practicing. Series and movies are a really good and fun way to learn!!

  5. Well I suppose you have to keep listen music, movies and series in english for improve

  6. Vale… The listening also cost me, I think you have to train more inner ear... it is thing of time and practice!
