jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Valentina S

In  Fiestas Patrias the most of the chilean people explote.Sp
Eat to WW much empanadas, drink to WW much terremoto and dance to WW much cueca, cumbia, ranchera. Overcome the patriotism ?, but I think is a virtual patriotism because the most of the times the () people don’t P remember why they are celebrating. Is a kind of scape. The most of the times is v a good date, because we can listen Chilean bands v free, and explore the fondas.  

The Fiestas Patrias in my house was so calm. The past years WW I come to Santiago to visit my mother v family, but this year I spend the time in my house. Resting with my brothers.
The best Fiestas Patrias v I remember is T the parties in Mami´s house. She is my great-grandmother. But she dead last year, so today is not the same. I remember the happiness of the family with the dancing and the payas, good memories.

I think Rayuela is a good game!, I always play Rayuela in fiestas patrias with my grandfather.

I hate rodeo, is a bad tradition, full of torture and violence to            WW the animals. But is too WW difficult change the traditions, maybe we can stop this with intervention and protest Sp. In the town where I live, El Monte, the huasos don’t think over the problem of the rodeo, they reproduce the traditions inherited from their parents.

In  Fiestas Patrias the most of the chilean people explote.Sp
In  Fiestas Patrias the most of the chilean people explotes.

Eat to WW much empanadas, drink to WW much terremoto and dance to WW much cueca, cumbia, ranchera.
Eat a lot of empanadas, drink too much terremoto and dance  a lot of cueca, cumbia and ranchera.

Overcome the patriotism ?
It´s time to overcome the patriotism

but I think is a virtual patriotism because the most of the times the () people dont P remember why they are celebrating
but I think is a virtual patriotism because the most of the times people don’t  remember why they are celebrating

The most of the times is v a good date, because we can listen Chilean bands v free, and explore the fondas.  
The most of the times it´s  a good date, because we can listen Chilean bands for free, and explore the fondas.  

The past years WW
past year

WW I come to Santiago to visit my mother v family,
I come to Santiago to visit my mother´s family,

The best Fiestas Patrias v I remember is T the parties in Mami´s house
The best Fiestas Patrias that I remember are the parties in Mami´s house

I hate rodeo, is a bad tradition, full of torture and violence to            WW the animals
I hate rodeo, is a bad tradition, full of torture and violence for the animals

But is too WW difficult change the traditions, maybe we can stop this with intervention and protest Sp.
But is very difficult change the traditions, maybe we can stop this with interventions and protests

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