lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

The last post!

Oh, I`m very sad writing my last post. This year, my english class has been very intertesting and funny. First of all , because I had the curse with one of my best friend, Jonathan. He is very clever and pleasent and also, he motivated me to went to learn on the class.
Another motivation was my teacher, Beatriz. She is a very good educator, she is very patient and concerned for each student. She shows a very good aptitude to help to everybody and explains in a good way.
I believe that specifically this semester I spoke very much and I was able to thinking in english, trying to pur into words my thoughts.
Well, like every good thing, there is a bad part too and in this case, it was record videos. It`s very shameful see how I speak in english. But it`s important to say that thanks to that, now I feel more confortable and secure.   
Now, about english class in general, I believe that there are so weird, because we don`t learn about techniclas words or ways to expresed concepts relationated with each career. I think that maybe that would be more useful if we could read papers or texts on english to learn more.
Finally, I need tos ay that the timetable of this class was very good beacuse in the middle,  we could go to lunch and had a very long free time for distraction. On this way, we spend more fast the time.

I need to expresed thanks for everything to the teacher, to be more human than a lot of donteachers that just go to make the class and don`t care to showing their opinion or teaching more that specific contents. Beatrzi really show me a different way to learn english, thanks.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

The holocaust

I choose the news about the holocaust because I consider it a very important topic. The way to lead this catastrophic situation is with reflection and knowledge. Maybe the pshycology is not a science by itself, but perhaps the way to think about holocaust and the way to try to understand it can help us to not permit incorrect decisions again. At least, I love films and if they are associated with my career, so much better.
Well, now I´m going to do a little summary about the book of Viktor Frankl that is going to be transform in a film. The book is “Man´s Search of Meaning” and the most important topic is found a meaning in the world to survive. On the period of Nazi´s attemped extermination of the Jews, Frankl lost his family. The theory that he made is known as “logothepary”. To do that, when he was a prisoner, advised to the other prisoners that not the power or pleasure is what keeps us alive, but the striving is.
He related how the psychological reactions of the prisoner changed if they survive and was liberated.  He showed the difference of guards. A decent man is someone who is kindness and an indecent man is who exploited of the prisoners.

The screenwriter that is going to adapt the book on a film is Adam Gibgot, who is also working whit "The accidental genius”. He said about Frankl : “he save a lot of lives” and the movie it’s about the best of the humanity in the worst time.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Valentina S

In  Fiestas Patrias the most of the chilean people explote.Sp
Eat to WW much empanadas, drink to WW much terremoto and dance to WW much cueca, cumbia, ranchera. Overcome the patriotism ?, but I think is a virtual patriotism because the most of the times the () people don’t P remember why they are celebrating. Is a kind of scape. The most of the times is v a good date, because we can listen Chilean bands v free, and explore the fondas.  

The Fiestas Patrias in my house was so calm. The past years WW I come to Santiago to visit my mother v family, but this year I spend the time in my house. Resting with my brothers.
The best Fiestas Patrias v I remember is T the parties in Mami´s house. She is my great-grandmother. But she dead last year, so today is not the same. I remember the happiness of the family with the dancing and the payas, good memories.

I think Rayuela is a good game!, I always play Rayuela in fiestas patrias with my grandfather.

I hate rodeo, is a bad tradition, full of torture and violence to            WW the animals. But is too WW difficult change the traditions, maybe we can stop this with intervention and protest Sp. In the town where I live, El Monte, the huasos don’t think over the problem of the rodeo, they reproduce the traditions inherited from their parents.

In  Fiestas Patrias the most of the chilean people explote.Sp
In  Fiestas Patrias the most of the chilean people explotes.

Eat to WW much empanadas, drink to WW much terremoto and dance to WW much cueca, cumbia, ranchera.
Eat a lot of empanadas, drink too much terremoto and dance  a lot of cueca, cumbia and ranchera.

Overcome the patriotism ?
It´s time to overcome the patriotism

but I think is a virtual patriotism because the most of the times the () people dont P remember why they are celebrating
but I think is a virtual patriotism because the most of the times people don’t  remember why they are celebrating

The most of the times is v a good date, because we can listen Chilean bands v free, and explore the fondas.  
The most of the times it´s  a good date, because we can listen Chilean bands for free, and explore the fondas.  

The past years WW
past year

WW I come to Santiago to visit my mother v family,
I come to Santiago to visit my mother´s family,

The best Fiestas Patrias v I remember is T the parties in Mami´s house
The best Fiestas Patrias that I remember are the parties in Mami´s house

I hate rodeo, is a bad tradition, full of torture and violence to            WW the animals
I hate rodeo, is a bad tradition, full of torture and violence for the animals

But is too WW difficult change the traditions, maybe we can stop this with intervention and protest Sp.
But is very difficult change the traditions, maybe we can stop this with interventions and protests

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


Hi everybody! I´m going to talk about some interested reading at the moment. To be honest, I prefer to do another thinks before to read. It´s not about “no knowledge”, but it´s so difficult to me spend time on reading. I´m always doing something else and I don’t feel how the time flies. However, now I´m reading a lot of pappers for the university.  Everyone is very interesting because this semester every student can choose the class and obviously, I choose some of them in relation with my personal interest. At the moment, my favorite is ”Para una formación sistémica en clínica”. This book is a compilation of little articles of deferent authors who white about the systemic theories on clinical psychology, to do therapy.  The basic principle is “everybody is building ourselves on the relationships with someone else and on that relation is where we must to work” I really enjoy that because that changes a lot of things in the therapeutic process, because is usual that the thought be “the problem is in each person who feels bad or different “. When that thought invade the therapy process, a lot of things are out on the analysis, because the majority of the situations about saddles or distress are make up with more than one person. Specially in this book, there are a lot of “prescribes” to make a complete therapy, using deferent factors and tools with the relations that the patient have. 

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

My favorite singer

I´m so happy because today, I´m going to write about my favorite singer ever, Erykah Badu. She born in Dallas, Texas on 1972. She grows up listening 70’s soul and 80´s hip hop and jazz. The first time when she did a show, was with D´Angelo in 1994. When the D´Angelo´s manager saw her, known she was brilliant.
She has six albums, but my favorites are the first and the third, Baduizm and Mama´s gun. On those albums, I think she is on a period too deeply and reflexive and the way to write is very beautiful. About the sounds of those albums, there are so complex, but it makes me feel like a real musician.  
Well, I always wanted to know what “Erykah Badu” means and finally, I know. \"kah\" means “the inner self” and \"ba-du,\" it´s in honor to the biggest of the jazz.
I think Erykah is a really good composer and singer, her voice is wonderful because sometimes it´s sounds like she was just talking but with a beautiful tone.
As well as, she sings with a lot of good singers, like Common, Stephen Marley, The Roots, etc. and obviously, that songs are amazing.

She writes about love, family, friendship and women´s rights. That likes me because the history and the important things are always present on her songs.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My english class

When I did this test I felt so stupid. I remember my school time and I was really clever for English class, now, I feel that forgot everything. 
Well, the most complicated part is listening, because it´s too fast and I can´t understand every word. It´s weird because when I see some series or movies on English, I understand.
Whatever, I love English and I want to learn more and more. Especially for my new teacher, Beatriz, She is so good to explain. 

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

The education

I decided to writing this post with a special soundtrack, the misseducation of Lauryn Hill. This album is so important to me because since I discovered it, a lot of my thougths and ideas  became real. When I was a child I always thinking about the importance of love in the life of everyone and honestly, I didn´t see some kind of education program or something like that who used love like the focus. Well, except for my participation on the church, where I heard a lot of the importance of love everywhere with everybody, at least, like a speech.
While I was growing up, I could to understand that in my country, the education doesn´t have an spiritual or transcendental area to learn. That is the reason because a lot of children have to many problem with the education. They don’t enjoy that because there are not a sense to do something, It´s just an order and this is independent of another’s persons, making this more and more individualized and selfish.
Recently, a lot of people is trying to change the things, making an  invitation to have a good education with contents and situations that really means something important to everybody, trying to do things that helps to the community.

Finally, that is the message delivered for Lauryn, love is the answer to do everything for someone who does the same, making too many cooperation relationships. 

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Some thoughts

I always think about the way to live my life. The biggest dude is why we need some career or trade to “be someone”. Maybe is not enough to be a human been with feelings, pleasures, ideals and thoughts. No, maybe not. Unfortunately we need to have some clarity about one thing or activity to do for the rest of our lives. That is not the only problem; you must to choose that at eighteen years old, when you recently finished the school who gave you a basis of different understandings. You don’t have time to apply and decide. Do you understand how stupid that sounds? Choose just one activity or area to do something all the time.
I am in favor to learn about everything that you like, to have enough time to discover new things, to investigate about wired and stranger things that interest you, to develop different areas and the most important thing: have spare time.
Sometimes I think about since when everything is about money and a success life and the answer apparently is the capitalism, but I believe that also before that, people had not time to do whatever they want.

Well, obviously I know that we need to do something to have food and basics necessities, but I am convince that the way and the time to get that, is not the most healthy and smart.   

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

The best present ever.

I will always remember the moment when my boyfriend gave me a disc holder full of albums to my favorite bands and singers.
It was my birthday and I was so excited about it because I feel so much love and happiness with all my close people. Specially that year, my boyfriend and found a lot of new music and also we knew different contexts, dances, lyrics, biographies and clothes styles about black music on many places, since African black music until Cuban black music.
The music is very important for me and my boyfriend knows that. That is why he recorded an album of every new song or band, a lot of months before my birthday. That was so amazing because I wasn’t remember every band, so when I heard it, I felt a lot of good emotions that reminds me special moments, persons and places.
I really appreciated this gift because I felt that my boyfriend really know me and he wanted to give me something important to me, something that I will be enjoy forever. Also this gift is for everybody who is around me, because I am always thinking about music to go with different moments and this people love music too.
This disc holder is always on my shoulder bag, especially when I travel to some place. That makes me feel accompanied by my boyfriend always.


Escribo en español porque ya sé todo en ingles, esto es muy fácil para mi, of curse.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Dictatorship period.

Especially this year, I feel so different about these days because last semester I investigate about the sexual abuse with women on dictatorship period. Although I have a general information and common sense, read the testimonies really changed my opinion, because be so close to the real feelings and experiences makes you think  ¿What or Who I would be if something like that happened to me?
With this investigation I was able to analyze how the State deals with it. Is true, there are some programs and institutions, but the situation is too complicated. I believe there are a big absence of a common place to share this like a community, because the victims don’t feel the confidence and the comfort to deal with it. There is not a complete recognition between different crimes, for example, the sexual abuse it considered like another violation of humans rights and that means give the same sentence.
Like a young girl who doesn’t live on that period, I feel distress and impotence for the level of inhumanity, for the selfishness and the incompatibility for different perspectives.
I think there are a lot of things to do like society and the most important is the education. I believe that is the way to avoid the repetition.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015


I´d like to visit Bali Island, on Indonesia. One day, I was watching TV when 13C channel was broadcasting a very interesting program about different experiences to Chilean people in others countries. In this case, the place was Bali, a beautiful and awesome island where a Chilean family lives because one of their children’s had an orthopaedic sickness. The special thing with this place was the way to deal whit the kids. They have been seen like little divines persons and that means give them a very special treatment. In Bali, the health was free and the way to cure the sickness is very integral. For example, for this girl, the therapy was individually but also familiar, because there was an education to the circle of the patient. If someday I have the opportunity to go there, I would work on the health area, helping the people like the girl on the program. Plus, the culture there is very different, there are many colours on the clothes, to many green areas and even, there are water streets. The meditation is a very important way to live and honestly, I really think that will help me to deal better with all situations in my life.